Mon-Sat 10:00-6:00 || Sun CLOSED   (303) 245-9909

Mon-Sat 10:00-6:00  ||  Sun CLOSED

(303) 245-9909

Made fresh everyday right in our kitchen!

All our biscuits and meatloaves are freshly baked in our Kitchen daily. Our ingredients are human grade and natural. No salt, sugar or any preservatives are added to our products.

Barkday Cakes

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Cakes and goodies for ALL occasions.

Want a special treat to celebrate?

We offer 7 and 9 inch ‘Bark’day Cakes, as well as cakes for all occasions in these flavors:
Beef, Salmon, Chicken, Turkey and Liver

Call ahead for a special order.  303-245-9909
